Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Down with the Experts

Every morning I like to start the day with a little news. Most of the time I defer to the internet so I can select the stories that interest me most and depress me least. Morning news shows typically tangle my insides with the roller coaster of information. First they drop me into the pit of "nothing's going right in the world", take me up to "human interest story about kids and disaster survivors" then turn everything upside down with a freaking recipe segment. The thing that disturbs me most are the "ask and expert" segments. It is at this moment on the ride that I feel like the cotton candy, jumbo hot dog, and funnel cake I ate might come back for a second appearance.

To be fair, morning shows are the only programs with experts. All forms of media buy into the expert hype. Experts even have their own shows, books, and even blogs to tell you what's right, wrong or out for this season. As I sit in amazement of how so many people have become experts on so many things, I wonder if this is a world constructed by the media or the public's inability to make day to day decisions. Perhaps people feel like they are not experts at living, so they defer to Expert A for their family life, Expert B for their finances, and Expert C for their yucky wardrobe. Are people really so uncomfortable with making a choice that they feel it's necessary to listen to a stranger?

Don't get me wrong, I value another person's experience and think we all can learn important lessons from each other. I believe it is also important to consult with professionals before making large scale decisions outside your everyday world. For example, if you are a first time home buyer, you should absolutely talk to several people who have been through the process. If you decide to start your own restaurant, you should most certainly speak with restauranteurs as well as financial advisors. (You should also watch my favorite restaurateur, Gordon Ramsay on BBC America.) However, my concern is when we rely on "experts" to give us common sense solutions to problems we should be able to solve on our own.

Several of my family members reference one particular finance expert in conversations and e-mails on the group list serv. My husband and I cringe when her name comes up because we think she's making a mint off information grade schoolers could figure out. "Don't spend money you don't have." DUH!!! "Pay off high interest rate credit cards first." Double DUH!!! If people can't figure this stuff out without this lady's manicured catch phrases, then our country is in worse shape than anyone ever imagined. Somehow the Grinch stole our common sense!

I say, take back your common sense and your confidence! You have the power to run your life the way you see fit without constantly checking in with someone who will never fully understand your situation. You can be informed without being paralyzed by expert interpretations of reality. Become an expert of your own life and you will find that the best ideas come from within!

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